Our Artists 

"Creation, Passiflora" ©Blair Seitz.

Floral Design, Passiflora DSC0Our Meeting has an unusually large number of artists, professional and amateur, for our size. We host painters, photographers, sculptors, handcraft artists and more. Many belong to Fellowship for Quakers in the Arts
FQA's purpose is to nurture and showcase the literary, visual, musical and performing arts within the Religious Society of Friends, for purposes of Quaker expression, ministry, witness and outreach. 

We believe that spirituality and art have a synergy which deepens our individual spiritual wellbeing, our Society’s spiritual health, and our ability to make our witness known through our art. FQA aims to join Quakerism and art in our lives as we move toward wholeness.  FQA's quarterly journal, "Types and Shadows," events, literature and members and their art is available at www.fqaquaker.org

Each artist on this page holds the copyright for their artwork. Any reproduction requires permission from the artist.
 To contact the artist, please contact us


"Creation, Passiflora" ©Blair Seitz.