Meeting Committees


Care and Counsel Committee

Pastoral Care is the primary responsibility of the Care and Counsel Committee. Friends bring issues and needs to the committee, which provides spiritual and at times financial help through the Meeting while maintaining confidentiality as requested by the members involved. Issues may include medical, financial, or emotional needs, as well as decision making. Care and Counsel Committee members attempt to be active participants in the life of the Meeting so that they may help support a healthy community by reaching out as needed. The committee attempts to be sensitive to misunderstandings between members or between committees, and offers to provide careful mediation and peacemaking through a Clearness Committee.

An important service of Care and Counsel is setting up Clearness Committees for those requesting membership, as well as those who wish to be married under the Care of the Meeting. Friends seeking discernment regarding an aspect of their spiritual life may also request that our committee arrange for them to participate in a clearness committee. The Care and Counsel committee also provides support for those in the Meeting with the responsibility of planning memorial services for Friends.

We continue to be available for support to all in the Meeting.


Spiritual Life Committee

Spiritual Life Committee is responsible for promoting the spiritual growth of our members and community by supporting, enriching, and deepening our Quaker faith through all aspects of the Meeting.


Property Committee

The Property Committee oversees the care of the fellowship spaces, meeting house, and exterior grounds that our spiritual community relies on. It maintains, operates, and authorizes improvements to all buildings and grounds, establishing related policies and budgetary goals as needed.

The Committee coordinates with Friends School Haverford and nearby neighbors on joint property issues, including insurance, infrastructure, or community activities associated with building use, utilities, and grounds. Its mission is to maintain safe and attractive spaces for worship, reflection, and spiritual growth.


Community Life

Community Life Committee coordinates the weekly assignments that help Meeting for Worship and Hospitality hour to run smoothly. It coordinates the events calendar. It plans outreach to the community. It coordinates with other Friends associations. It links with the Testimonies Fund to help individuals carry out and deepen their leadings. It considers and facilitates new leadings for peace, social and environmental action.


Finance Committee

As Haverford Friends Meeting's financial stewards, the Finance Committee's mission is to secure the Meeting's long-term financial strength. The committee manages the financial health of the Meeting in accordance with Quaker testimonies and financial best practices. Furthermore, financial decisions are guided by the Meeting's financial priorities and funding tolerances. Supported by the treasurer, the committee raises funds, develops financial statements, manages investments, and recommends the amount of support to be given to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's annual fund. With consultation of the Meeting's other committees, the Finance Committee develops the budget and evaluates the Meeting's short- and long-term financial needs. It also oversees tuition assistance provided to Member children attending Kindergarten-12 grade Quaker schools within the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting area.


Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee's role is to find and discern who should serve on each of the committees. The committee is in communication with the committee clerks and all of the people who make up our Meeting's community. Nominating committee keeps a roster of all committee members, when they joined the committee and when their terms expire. They monitor this information to renew committee members' terms when appropriate.