Children's Meeting (Sunday School)

Our upstairs children's room will open at 10:25 am. There, children play and learn under the nurturing supervision and guidance of experienced  caregivers and volunteers.

Traditionally, young people have joined their parents for the first 15 minutes of Meeting for Worship before moving to the second floor rooms for childcare and Young Friends Meeting (Sunday school). We enjoy the wiggles, whispers and occasional giggles that children bring to Meeting. Sometimes older children have stayed in the Meeting room for the entire Meeting and asked very insightful questions.

There is a table just inside the Meeting room with books, wrtiing material and some quiet toys. 

At the end of Meeting for Worship, parents gather their children. We hope you will all join us for refreshments and conversation in the Forum room. Parents should remain on the premises while their children are upstairs.

In October,  the children created this poster as part of learning about the SPICES:

Spices poster